ASHX File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .ashx
Full Name ASP.NET Web Handler File
MIME Type text/plain or varies based on the content it serves
Developed by Microsoft
File Classification Web Server Script
Primary Association ASP.NET and Web Development
Editable Yes, with text/code editors
Human Readable Yes, it's based on plain text
Server-side or Client-side Server-side
Execution Environment ASP.NET on a web server
Typical Use Cases HTTP Handlers, Dynamic Image Generation, File Download Handlers
URL Mapping Configurable in ASP.NET application's Web.config file
Security Supports ASP.NET authentication and authorization
Can Handle HTTP Methods Yes, GET, POST, and others
Can Serve Dynamic content like images, files, etc.
Compilation Runtime compilation by ASP.NET
Scripting Language C#, VB.NET, or other .NET languages
Configurable in IIS Yes, through the ASP.NET application settings and IIS manager
Session State Access Yes, can access and modify ASP.NET session state
Can Implement Interfaces Yes, can implement IHttpHandler or IReadOnlySessionState for custom handling
Path Information Accessible via HttpContext in the handler's code
Cache Policy Can be managed programmatically within the handler