JSP File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .jsp
MIME Type text/html
Primary Usage Server-side scripting for web pages
Programming Language Used Java
Supports Java Code Insertion Yes
Execution Environment Java EE Server (e.g., Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere)
Tag-Based Syntax Yes (Custom Tag Libraries)
Directives Support Yes
File Included Mechanism @include directive, action
Error Handling Custom error pages via page directive
Compilation Automatically compiled by the server into a Servlet
Support for Expression Language (EL) Yes
Support for Unified Expression Language (EL) Yes
Session Management Supported
Form Data Handling Supported
Support for MVC Frameworks Yes (e.g., Spring MVC, Struts)
Database Accessibility Through JDBC, JNDI
Asynchronous Processing Supported via Servlets 3.0 API
Community and Documentation Extensive
Debugging Support through IDEs (e.g., Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)