CGI File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .cgi
MIME Type application/x-httpd-cgi
Execution Mode Server-side
Programming Languages Support Perl, Python, C, Shell Script, etc.
Primary Use Generating dynamic web content
Environment Access Access to server environment variables
Data Transfer Method Standard input/output
Security Considerations Proper input validation required to prevent injections
HTTP Status Code Handling Can generate custom HTTP headers
Platform Compatibility Platform-independent
HTTP Method Support GET, POST, and more
Communication Protocol HTTP/HTTPS
Query String Parameters Supports passing data via URL parameters
Form Data Handling Can process data from web forms
Session Management Possible with additional programming
Database Connectivity Can connect to databases using language-specific APIs
Logging Can log transactions/errors to files or databases
Debugging Typically requires external tools or logs
Output Type Text, HTML, JSON, XML, etc.
Performance May be lower compared to newer technologies like FastCGI
Modern Use Cases Still used for legacy systems or specific low-resource environments