CSPROJ File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .csproj
Full Name Visual Studio C# Project File
Format Type XML
Root Element Project
Supported IDE Microsoft Visual Studio
MIME Type text/xml
Primary Usage Configuration and compilation settings for a C# project
SDK Style Format Supported from .NET Core and later versions
Namespace Declaration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"
Import Element Used to import targets and properties from external files
Package Reference Format Used for referencing NuGet packages in SDK style projects
Property Group Defines project properties
Target Framework Specifies the version of .NET to target (e.g., net5.0)
Output Type Defines the output type (e.g., Exe, Library)
Assembly Name Specifies the name of the built assembly
LangVersion Specifies the C# language version (e.g., latest, 7.3)
Deterministic Compilation Ensures consistent compiler output
Nullable Reference Types Enables or disables nullable reference types feature
Prefer 32-bit Indicates whether to prefer 32-bit executables on 64-bit platforms
Application Icon Specifies the path to the application's icon file
Warnings As Errors Treats compiler warnings as errors
Documentation File Generates an XML documentation file alongside the compiled output