POD File Documentation


Feature Value
Full Name Plain Old Documentation (POD)
File Extension .pod
MIME Type text/x-pod
Associated Programs Perl interpreters and editors, perldoc
File Type Text File
Usage Documentation for Perl scripts, modules, and libraries
Character Encoding ASCII, can include UTF-8
Command for Viewing perldoc file.pod
Comment Syntax =comment
Header Markup =head1, =head2, ...
Paragraph Text Plain text outside of command blocks
List Syntax =over, =item, =back
Formatting Codes B<text>, I<text>, C<text>, L<text>, E<entity>
Link Syntax L<name|page|paragraph>
Encoding Command =encoding utf8
Section Separators =pod, =cut
Embedded Code =begin code, =end code
Pod Checker Utility podchecker file.pod
Pod to HTML Converter pod2html file.pod > output.html
Pod to Text Converter pod2text file.pod > output.txt