VMG File Documentation


Feature Value
Format Name Nokia Text Message
Extension .vmg
MIME Type text/x-vmessage
Developed By Nokia
Type of Format Text Message
Main Usage Storing SMS messages
File Structure Plain Text
Encoding ASCII or UTF-8
BEGIN:VMSG Indicates the beginning of a message
END:VMSG Indicates the end of a message
VERSION: Specifies the vMessage version (e.g., 1.1)
X-IRMC-STATUS: Status of the message (e.g., READ, UNREAD)
X-IRMC-BOX: Indicates the message box (e.g., INBOX, SENT)
BEGIN:VCARD Beginning of a contact information section
END:VCARD End of a contact information section
TEL: Telephone number associated with the message
DATE: Timestamp of the message
Subject: Message subject (may not be present in all messages)
Body Text Actual content of the message
Compatibility Mostly with Nokia phones and some software applications
Can Carry Attachments No, plain text only