RELS File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .rels
Format Type XML
Full Name Open Office XML Relationships File
Part of Open Packaging Conventions (OPC)
Used By Office Open XML (OOXML) Documents
Main Purpose Store relationship data
Content Type XML-based configurations
Root Element <Relationships>
Child Element <Relationship>
Attribute for Relationship Id, Type, Target
Namespace Declaration xmlns=""
Use in ZIP Archive Yes, within OOXML file structures
Location in OOXML Structure _rels folder
Referenceable Objects Documents, images, custom XML parts
MIME Type application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml
Advantages Easy to manage relationships; human-readable format
Limitations Requires knowledge of XML schema
Integration Seamless with OOXML documents
Standardization ISO/IEC 29500
Text Encoding UTF-8
Common Tool for Editing Text editor or XML editor