M File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .m
Full Name Objective-C Implementation File
Primary Use Development of software in Objective-C
File Type Source Code
Language Syntax Objective-C
Paradigm Object-oriented programming
Associated File Types .h (Header files)
Compilation Needed Yes
Platform macOS, iOS
Used By Apple's Xcode IDE
MIME Type text/x-objcsrc
Character Encoding UTF-8
Can Store Functions, Methods, Declarations, Implementations
Common Tools Xcode, AppCode
Debugging Supported Yes
Open-source No (Objective-C is, but specific tools like Xcode are not)
Comment Style // for single line, /* */ for multilines
Inheritance Supported Yes
Multiple Inheritance No, but protocols can be used
Garbage Collection Manual reference counting (MRC) or Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) in modern Objective-C
Concurrency Model Threads, GCD (Grand Central Dispatch), Operation Queues