TSV File Documentation


Feature Value
File Extension .tsv
MIME Type text/tab-separated-values
Format Type Text
Primary Usage Data exchange and storage
Delimiter Tab ( )
Encoding Depends on system (e.g., UTF-8)
Character Set ASCII, Unicode
Compression Can be compressed with ZIP, GZIP, etc.
Advantages Simple format, human-readable, easy to parse
Limitations Does not support multiple sheets or rich formatting
File Structure Lines of text with values separated by tabs
Supports Multiline Yes, within quoted strings
Support for Binary Data No
Standardization No formal standard, but widely used
Typical Application Data export/import in software, databases, spreadsheets
Row Separators Newline characters (LF or CRLF)
Header Row Optional, typically the first row
Quoting Values containing special characters can be quoted
Escape Character Usually a double quote (") for values within quotes
Usage in Data Science Widely used for data exchange between different tools